Need asap
02 Street - 1722 E
Pueblo CO
Iglesia De Dios Pan De Vida Church
02 - 2602 Ave Light & Life Church (1)
02 Ave - 2602
Pueblo CO
NE Corner 26th Street
aka 2nd Ave. 2602
Light & Life Church
Alpha & Omega IPHC International Pentecostac Hokiness Church 1127 E. 4th St.
04 - 1127 E St
Pueblo CO
Alpha & Omega IPHC International Pentecostac Hokiness Church
At one time called the Potter's House of Pueblo
04 - 1640 E St
Pueblo CO
Pueblo Immanuel
Church of Christ, 1801 E. 4th Street
04 - 1801 E. Street
Church of Christ
04 - 2211 E St
Pueblo CO
google says new address is
3003 N. Elizabeth
Mountain View Calvary
04 - 2211 E St
Pueblo CO
Gloria De Sion Church
Old Parkhill Baptist Church
now ???
The Albany of Pueblo, 125 E. 7th St.
07 - 0125 E. and corner of Albany Street
Church of Christ-Broadway ??? Maybe???
Was Sanctuary of Praise Church
Now O'Callaghan & CO Albany of Pueblo
Event Center
Water of Life Ministries Church, 07 - 698 E. St. and Fountain St.
07 - 0698 E. St.
and Fountain St.
Water of Life Ministries Church
Full Gospel Christian Assembly Church 1101 E. 7th Street
Full Gospel Christian Assembly Church 1101 E. 7th Street
07 - 1101 E. 7th Street
Full Gospel Christian Assembly Church
St. Bethel ME Church
07 - 1127 E. Street
Bethel ME Church AD 1916 1201 E. 7th Street
07 - 1201 E. Street
Bethel ME Church AD 1916
Park Hill Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) 1401 E. 7th Street
07 - 1401 E St
Pueblo CO
Park Hill Christian Church
Saint Leander Church 1401 E. 6th Street
Pueblo Local Landmark. Designated 8-9-2010
St. Leander Church has occupied a central position in the development of the East Side neighborhood since 1925 when the church was constructed.
The church is one of the best, and only, examples of Institutional Spanish Mission Revival architecture in the East Side,
and it was designed by the famous Colorado Springs Architect, Thomas MacLaren.
07 - 1402 E St
Pueblo CO
Saint Leander Church
St Leander Parish
Lighthouse Baptist Church 2109 7th Ave. No fly zone so regular camera, no sign
07 - 2109 Ave
Pueblo CO
Lighthouse Baptist Church
No sign on building
Eight Street Baptist Church, 600 W. 8th Street
08 - 0600 W. Street
Eight Street Missionary
Baptist Church
Landmark Apostolic Church 1801 E. 8th Street, now vacant
08 - 1801 E St
Pueblo CO
First Friends Church Of Pueblo
Tabernacle Baptist Church, 2002 E. 8th Street
08 - 2002 E St
Pueblo CO
Tabernacle Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Pueblo 405 W 9th Street
First Baptist Church 405 W. 9th Street
09 - 405 W St
Pueblo CO
First Baptist Church
Solid Rock Full Gospel Ministries Church,
Solid Rock Full Gospel Ministries Church,
so many trees, the only shot I had
625 E. 9th St and Fountain Ave.
09 - 0625 E. Street and Fountain Ave.
Solid Rock Full Gospel Ministries Church
First Presbyterian Church 220 W. 10th St.
10 - 0220 W St
Pueblo CO
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church, 310 W. 11th and Court
Adobe Acrobat Exchange-Pro 10.1.2Pueblo Local Landmark. Designated 3-26-07
First United Methodist Church (FUMC) houses one of the oldest religious organizations in Pueblo and has served as a center for a number of
community events and activities of a religious and secular nature since 1923. The church is also significant as noted Pueblo architect
William Stickney's interpretation of the Gothic- and Tudor-Revival architectural styles, symbolizing the importance of the Methodist church's ties to England
11 - 0310 W. and Court
First United Methodist Church
Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Lationoamericana 1021 W. 11th St.
11 - 1021 W
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart 414 W 11th St 1025 N. Grand Avenue
National Register 02/21/1989, 5PE.1125
The building is an outstanding example of Gothic Revival architecture.
Plans for the church were the work of Denver architects Robert Willison and Montana S. Fallis.
The church was dedicated in 1913 and designated as a cathedral in 1942.
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart 414 W 11th St
A 1/10 crop from another building, super quality still
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart 414 W 11th St
414 W 11th St
AKA 1025 N. Grand Avenue
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
need same as below, what is it now?
11 - 2845 E St.
Pueblo CO
Revive Church Pueblo
11 - 2845 E Street
Pueblo CO
Centro familiar Cristiano Pueblo
St Anne's Catholic Church, 2701 E 12th St,
12 - 2701 E St
Pueblo CO
St Anne's Catholic Church
Center for Inner Peace Church 740 W. 15th Street
15 - 740 W. Street
Center for Inner Peace Church
Family Faith and Worship Church 2215 W 15th Street
15 - 2215 W Street
II-1 Ascension Episcopal Church, 420 W. 18th St.
Pueblo Local Landmark. Designated 5-24-2004
When St. Patrick's was completed in 1882 it was the only Catholic Church in Pueblo. It was the mother church for the old St. Joseph's,
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and St. Francis Xavier parishes and served as the center of Jesuit mission activity for Colorado and New Mexico from 1887 to 1915.
The many people that graduated from St. Patrick's School played a great part in Pueblo's society & town. The church, designed in the
Gothic Revival style demonstrates meticulous attention to detail of windows and entries.
Ascension Episcopal Church Parsonage, 410 W. 18th St.
18 - 0420 W St
Pueblo CO
Ascension Episcopal Church & Parsonage
New Hope Baptist Church 1229 W 18th St. No drone photo as restricted area
18 - 1229 W St
Pueblo CO
New Hope Baptist Church
Bethel Temple Pentecostal Church 1605 W. 19th Street
19 - 1605 W. Street
Bethel Temple Church
LA Puerta Abierta Assembly of God 1702 W. 20th Street
20 - 1702 W. Street
Pueblo CO
LA Puerta Abierta Assembly of God
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, 1404 E. 21st street
21 - 1404 E. Street
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel
Holy Rosary Parish, 2400 W. 22nd. Street
22 - 2400 W St
Pueblo CO
Holy Rosary Parish
Sanctuary of Praise Church 24 - 0719 W St Corner of 24 Street & 2nd Ave.
Sanctuary of Praise Church Corner of 24 Street & 2nd Ave.
24 - 0719 W St
Pueblo CO
Sanctuary of Praise Church
Faith Bible Church
Grace Evangelical Church
24 - 0727 W St
Pueblo CO
Grace Evangelical Church
Grace Community Bible Church, 1405 25th Lane and County Farm Road
25 - 1405 Lane
and County Farm Road
Pueblo CO Mesa Area
Grace Community Bible Church
Iglesia Apostolica Church 427 W. 26th St.
26 - 0427 W. St.
Iglesia Apostolica Church
Light & Life Church 0799 W. 26th St. -- NE Corner 26th Street and 2nd Ave.
26 - 0799 W. St.
NE Corner 26th Street
and 2nd Ave. 2602
Light & Life Church
Was First Free Methodist Church
God's Ordained Ministry Church, 1015 29th W. StreetStreet and 5th Ave.
29 - 1015 W. Street
and 5th Ave.
God's Ordained Ministry Church
Liberty Baptist Church 2207 W. 29th Street
29 - 2207 W. Street
Liberty Baptist Church
Corner building, see High 2901
29 - 2901 W
30 1/2 0169 Ln
Pueblo CO
Faith Baptist Church
36 - 1133 Ln
Pueblo CO
St Therese Parish Vineland
36 - 1587 Ln
Pueblo CO
Vineland United Methodist Church
Abriendo 0317 E Ave
Pueblo CO
Freedom Outreach Church
First Church Of God, 528 W. Abriendo Ave.
Abriendo 0528 W. Ave. Pueblo CO
First Church Of God
Fountain of Life Community Church, 540 Alma Ave.
Alma 0540 Ave
Pueblo CO
Fountain of Life Community Church
New Horizon Apostolic Faith Church, 711 W. Arroyo Ave.
Arroyo 0711 W. Ave,
Pueblo CO
New Horizon Apostolic Faith Church
New church is there now, will get asap new photo
Mercy & Peace Gospel Misson, 714 W. Arroyo Ave.
Arroyo 714 W. Ave.
Mercy & Peace Gospel Misson Fellowship
Claremont Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1503 Arroyo Ave
Arroyo 1503 W Ave
Pueblo CO
Claremont Seventh-Day Adventist Church
St. Joseph Church 1145 S. Aspen Road
Saint Joseph Church In the Mesa Area, Aspen Road, just started working on the bell tower
St Joseph Church, new Bell tower, 3 bells, top one weights 1,500 pounds, then
$1,000 pounds and bottom one weights in at 500 pounds, or so I was told...
Aspen 1145 S Rd
Pueblo CO
St Joseph Church
St Joseph Parish Blende
New Heights Baptist Church, 3304 Baltimore Ave.
Baltimore 3304 Ave
Pueblo CO
New Heights Baptist Church
Community of Christ Church 66 Blackburn LN by East High School
Blackburn 66 Ln
by East High School
Community of Christ Church
Reorganized Church of Jesus
Bonforte 1702 Blvd.
and Horseshoe Road,
New Destiny Worship Center Corner
Broadway Christian Church 206 Broadway
Broadway 0206 Ave
Pueblo CO
Broadway Christian Church
George McCarthy Historic Chapel, 400 Broadway Ave. Built 1902
National Register 11/14/1979, 5PE.503
Pueblo architect George W. Roe designed this predominately Romanesque Revival style building in 1902.
Much of the original interior remains in place.
Broadway 400 Ave
George McCarthy Historic Chapel
AGape Fellowship Church, 611 Broadway
Broadway 0611 Ave
Pueblo CO
Agape Fellowship
Grace Christian Church, 630 W. Broadway Ave
Broadway 0630 Ave
Pueblo CO
Grace Christian Church
Vine Church, 110 Calla Street
Calla 0110 Street
Vine Church
Miracle Temple Church, 1101 Cedar Street
Cedar 1101 St
Pueblo CO
Miracle Temple Church
or maybe was
Cornerstone lighthouse church
Evangelist Church of God in Christ, 1148 Cedar Street
Cedar 1148 St
Pueblo CO
Evangelist Church Of God In Christ
Chatalet 2105 Ln
Pueblo CO
Pueblo Evangelical Free Church
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish 320 Clark Street
Old church on Clark Street in the Grove, now Mt. Carmel School on sign
Clark 0320 Street
In the Grove area
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 421 Clark Street in the Grove
Clark 0421 Street
In the Grove area
Our Lady of Mt. Carmet Church
Cleveland 0301 St
Pueblo CO
First Southern Baptist Church
Cleveland 0301
Aberdeen Baptist Church
Was... Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C. In a shoping center, now a smoke shop
Club Manor 4027 Dr.
Pueblo CO
Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C.
Abundant Life Ministries 1001 Constitution Blvd. Belmont
Constitution 1001 Rd
Pueblo CO
Abundant Life Christian Church
New Beginnings Church, 631 W. Corona Ave.
Corona 631 W Ave
Pueblo CO
New Beginnings Church
Edna 529 St
Pueblo CO
West Park Wesleyan Church
City of the Lord Foursquare Church 2601 N. Elizabeth Street
Elizabeth 2601 N. Street
Pueblo CO
City of the Lord Foursquare Church
Mountain View Calvary was at 3003 N. Elizabeth, now a Jackson Hewitt tax business
Elizabeth 3003 N.
was 04 - 2211 E St
Pueblo CO
google says new addreese
Mountain View Calvary
012320 is a tax business
Vision Ministries Family Christian Church Elizabeth 3005 North Unit A
Elizabeth 3005 N. # A
First Congregational Church of Christ 228 W. Evans Street,
So many trees, it's all I can get, really a better photo from the ground
34. 228 W. Evans FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH National Register 02/08/1985, 5PE.4209 Fred A. Hale is credited as the architect of this
1889 Romanesque style church of random coursed red sandstone. Defining
Evans 0228 W Ave
Pueblo CO
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Trinity Lutheran Church, 701 W. Evans Street (Really on Thatcher Street)
Evans 701 W Ave
Pueblo CO
Trinity Lutheran Church
Evans 919 E Ave
Victory Outreach Church
Was Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church
Lord's Vineyard Fellowship Church, 945 E. Evans Street
Evans 945 E Ave
Pueblo CO
The Lords Vineyard Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1411 Fortino Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81008
and Outlook
Fortino 1411 Blvd, and Outlook
Pueblo, CO
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Shrine of St Therese Church on Goodnight 300 Ave
New photos below by request 042418
Goodnight 300 Ave
Pueblo CO
Shrine of St Therese Church
Alive With Grace Fellowship Church, 634 Goodnight Ave.
Goodnight 634 Ave
Pueblo CO
Now 04-10-18 The Sign says:
Alive With Grace Fellowship Church
Was: Pueblo Mennonite Church
United Reform Judaism, 1325 N. Grand Ave. TEMPLE EMANUEL
National Register 03/14/1996, 5PE.4202
This 1900 Reform Jewish house of worship is architecturally significant as an interesting interpretation of the
Queen Anne style employing both classical and Richardsonian Romanesque elements.
Grand 1325 N. Ave
Pueblo CO
United Reform Judaism
Cross Point Central Baptist Church, 405 Grant Ave.
Grant 0405 E Ave
Pueblo CO
Central Baptist Church Dba Crosspointe Church
Catholic Diocese of Pueblo, 100 N Greenwood and Elizabeth by HARP
Catholic Diocese of Pueblo, 100 N Greenwood and Elizabeth by HARP
Greenwood 100 N St
Pueblo CO
Catholic Diocese of Pueblo
Northside Christian Church, 2901 High Street, Corner of High Street and 29th Street
High 2901 Street,
Corner of High Street and 29th Street
Church dir has listed as 2207 W. 29th St
Northside Christian Church
Was God's Ordained Ministry Church
Rocky Mountain Family Church 1700 Horseshoe Dr.
Horseshoe 1700 Dr
Pueblo CO
Rocky Mountain Family Church
Christ the King, Corner of Bonforte Blve. and Horseshoe Rd. Belmont
Horseshoe 1708 Dr
Pueblo CO
Christ the King Church
Central Christian Church 1902 Hudson
Hudson 1902 N Ave
Pueblo CO
Central Christian Church
Steel City Fellowship Church 1401 Jerry Murphy Road
Jerry Murphy 1401 Rd
Steel City Fellowship Church
River of Life Community Church
Belmont Baptist Church
El Mariachi de Pueblo Just a house, no sign as of 012320
Jerry Murphy 1737 Rd
El Mariachi de Pueblo
Now Immersion Schools Was Highest Praise Fellowship Church 1320 N. Kingston Ave
Kingston 1320 N. Ave
Pueblo CO
Now Immersion Schools
Highest Praise Fellowship
Unitarian Universalist Church, 110 S. La Crosse Ave
La Crosse 110 S. Ave
Unitarian Universalist Church
Lake Avenue Baptist Church, 1345 Lake Ave.
Lake 1345 Ave.
Lake Avenue Baptist Church
Lakeview 2318 Ave
Pueblo CO
The WORD Jesus Christ Church
Lakeview 2622 Ave
Pueblo CO
New Bethany Baptist Church
Holy Family Catholic Church, 2827 Lakeview Avenue
Lakeview 2827 Ave
Pueblo CO
Holy Family Church
Christ Congregational Church UCC 1005 Liberty Lane, Belmont
Liberty 1003 Ln
Pueblo CO
check address 1005???
Christ Congregational Church
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 611 Logan Ave.
20. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 611 Logan Ave.
Adobe Acrobat Exchange-Pro 10.1.2Pueblo Local Landmark. Designated 7-25-2011
St. Francis Xavier is historically significant because it is a representation of the working class immigrant culture of the Bessemer neighborhood.
The church shows elements of workmanship and design that are inherent to the blue-collar neighborhood that immediately surrounds the site.
St. Francis Xavier Church is architecturally is also significant because it is an example of the Spanish Eclectic architectural style applied to a church.
Spanish Eclectic is a broad architectural style that includes many components influenced by variations of Spanish styles and popular in the 1920s and 1930s.
The building is also worthy of preservation due to the fine artistic ornamentation inside the church
Logan 0611 Ave
Pueblo CO
St Francis Xavier Parish
Bread of Life Church, 700 S. Main St.
Main 700 S. St.
Bread of Life Church
Trinity Life Center Church, 36 Merritt Ct.
Merritt 36 Ct
Pueblo CO
Trinity Life Church
Mesa 0217 E Ave
Pueblo CO
St Marys Catholic Church
Our Lady Of The Assumption Church???
St Mary Help of Christians
21. Saint Mary's Help of Christians 307 E. Mesa Ave.
10.1.2 Pueblo Local Landmark. Designated 11-24-2003
Constructed in 1924, St. Mary's was one of the finest elementary schools in the state. It is the most prominent structure north of Rocky Mountain
Steel Mill and south of the Arkansas River. The early parishioners were poor Slovenian immigrants, and thousands of prominent Puebloans number
among the graduates of the school. The school was built partially of salvaged brick from the Eilers' smelter, largest smelter east of the Mississippi,
purchased and demolished by the Catholic diocese in 1923.
Mesa 0307 E Ave Pueblo CO
St Mary Help of Christians
First A.M.E. St. Paul Church, 1142 Pine Street
Mesa 0613 W Ave
Pueblo CO
First A.M.E. St. Paul Church
Adriance United Methodist United Methodist Korean Church, 2936 Morris Ave.
Morris 2936 Ave
Pueblo CO
Adriance United Methodist Church
St Pius X Church 3120 Morris Avenue
Morris 3130 Ave
Pueblo CO
check number
St Pius X Parish
JW.org Sadon Del Reino De Los Testigos De Jehoval... Church
King Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 4121 Nature Center Road and 11th Street
it's what their sign says
Nature Center Road 4121
JW.org Sadon Del Reino De Los Testigos De Jehoval... Church
King Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Fellowship of the Rockies 3892 W.Northern Ave. Old K-Mart Center
Northern 3892 W Ave
Pueblo CO
Fellowship of the Rockies
.Now Vacant
Victory Outreach Church, 1900 Oakshire Rd
Oakshire 1900 Rd
Victory Outreach Church
O-Neal 2901Ave
Pueblo CO
Christian Growth Center
First Seventh-Day Adventist 3910 O-Neal Ave
O-Neal 3910 Ave
Pueblo CO
First Seventh-Day Adventist
Pueblo First SDA Church
Tabor Lutheran Church, 102 E. Orman Ave.
Orman 102 E Ave
Pueblo CO
Tabor Lutheran Church
Orman 2803 E Ave
Pueblo CO
Christian Evangelical Church
Overton 2122 Rd
Pueblo CO
Heritage Baptist Church
Family Worship Center 3800 Parker Blvd
Family Worship Center Church, 3800 Parker Blvd
Parker 3800 Blvd
Pueblo CO
Family Worship Center
Parkhill Baptist Church Front, Back of building below
Parkhill 4235 PL
Pueblo CO
Parkhill Baptist Church
First Church of Christ, Scientist 42 Pennwood Lane
Pennwood 42 Lane
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Bible Missionary Church, 2202 Pine Street
Pine 2202 St
Pueblo CO
Grace Baptist Church
Foot of the Cross Church, was the Old Wildwest Cowboy Church, 1025 S. Prairie Ave
Fort Sonset Outdoor Theater Part of the Old Wildwest Cowboy Church
Prairie 1025 S Ave
Pueblo CO
Foot of the Cross Church,
was the Old Wildwest Cowboy Church
Was: Sunset Park Church of Christ
Prairie 2102 S Ave
Pueblo CO
Good News Bible Church
New life Bible Church, 2320 Prairie Avenue
Prairie 2320 S Ave
Pueblo CO
New Life Bible Church
Pueblo Christian Center S. Pueblo Blvd.
Pueblo Blvd 1605 S
Pueblo CO
Pueblo Christian Center
Southwest Church of Christ, 1635 S. Pueblo Blvd.
Pueblo Blvd 1635 S
Pueblo CO
Southwest Church of Christ
Milagro Christian Church, 2111 S. Pueblo Blvd.
Pueblo Blvd. 2111 S.
Milagro Christian Church
Pueblo Blvd 3220 W
Pueblo CO
Antioch Baptist Church
Lynn Gardens Baptist Church, 3804 S. Pueblo Blvd.
Pueblo Blvd 3804 W
Pueblo CO
Lynn Gardens Bapt Church
St. Peter Episcopal Church 3939 W. Pueblo Blvd
Pueblo Blvd 3939 W
Pueblo CO
St Peter the Apostle Episcopal Church
Mt. Shadow Baptist Church 947 N. Gantts Fort Ave Pueblo West
Pueblo West
Gantts Fort 947 N. Ave
Majestic Baptist Church 494 E. Hemlock Dr Pueblo West
Pueblo West
494 E. Hemlock Dr.
Majestic Baptist Church
Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 275 John Powell Blvd., Pueblo West
Pueblo West
John Powell 0275 Blvd
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
Church of Christ in Pueblo West, 1099 S. McCulloch Blvd. W
Pueblo West
McCulloch 1099 S. Blvd
Church of Christ in Pueblo West
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, 1132 West Oro Grande Drive, Pueblo West
Pueblo West
Oro Grande 1132 W. Drive
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
Pueblo West
Spaulding 0421 E Ave
Faith United Methodist Church or SonRise Church A United Methodist Ministry
The Life Center Church, 3939 Redwood Ln.
Old Baptist Church on Redwood Ave
Redwood 3939 Lane
The Life Center Church
Was Redwood Baptist Church
Templo La Hermosa Cladic, 1516 Roselawn Road, Salt Creek
Roselawn 1516 Road,
Salt Creek Area
Templo La Hermosa Cladic
Divine Science Church, 115 E. Routt Ave
Routt 0115 E. Ave
Divine Science Church
Church of God, was the La Renaissance Restaurant, 217 Routt Ave.
Routt 0217 Ave
Church of God,
was the La Renaissance Restaurant
St Patricks Catholic Church
Routt 0304 E. Ave
St Patricks Catholic Church
Saint Clair 1902 S Ave
Pueblo CO
Cornerstone Assembly of God
Grace Baptist Church 4277 St. Clair Ave., 81005
Was: Iglesia Cristana Puerta Del Cielo Church when taken in 2017
Saint Clair 4227 Ave
Pueblo CO
Grace Baptist Church
Was: Iglesia Cristana Puerta Del Cielo Church when taken in 2017
Was: Pueblo South Foursquare Church
Bethany Lutheran Church, 1802 Sheridan Rd.
Sheridan 1802 Rd
Pueblo CO
Bethany Lutheran Church
Faith United Methodist Church or SonRise Church, A united Methodist Ministry
Spaulding 0421 E. Ave. Pueblo, CO
St. John The Baptist, Greek Orthodox Church, 1000-1010 Spruce Street
72. National Register 02/28/2002, 5PE.4219
The 1907 church building is one of Pueblo’s earliest and well-preserved examples of the Classical Revival style.
The building exhibits the distinctive characteristics of the style in its full-width pedimented portico supported by large Ionic columns.
The semi-circular transom and round-arched window openings with Queen Anne-inspired glazing result in an unusual expression of this style.
Spruce 1010 St
Pueblo CO
St John The Baptist Church
Bethlehem Baptist Church Baptist Church 1044 Spruce St
Spruce 1044 St
Pueblo CO
Bethlehem Baptist Church
First Church of the Nazarene, 84 Stanford
Stanford 84 Ave
Pueblo CO
First Church Of The Nazarene
Wesley United Methodist Church, 85 Stanford
Stanford 85 Ave
Pueblo CO
Wesley United Methodist Church
Our Lady of the Meadows 23 Starling Dr.
Starling 23 Dr
Pueblo CO
Our Lady of the Meadows Church
Saint Michael's Orthodox Church, Est 1903,
Building built in 1924, 801 W. Summit Ave
Summit 801 W Ave Pueblo CO
St Michael Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 4720 Surfwood Lane
Surfwood 4720 Lane
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Temple Baptist Church 3030 Thatcher Ave and Quillian Ave
Thatcher 3030 Ave Pueblo CO
Temple Baptist Church
New Hope Ministries Christian Church, 1010 Troy Ave.
Troy 1010 Ave
New Hope Ministries Christian Church
Praise Assembly of God, 2000 Troy Ave.
Praise Assembly of God 2000 Troy Ave.
Troy 2000 Ave.
Pueblo CO
Praise Assembly of God
Calvary Baptist Church, 5 Tulane Street
Tulane 5 St
Pueblo CO
Calvary Baptist Church
Westminster Presbyterian 10 University Circle
University 10 Circle Pueblo CO
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Us Highway 50 28726 E
Pueblo CO
Mesa Christian Fellowship
King of Kings Lutheran Church, 2561 Vinewood and Pueblo Blvd.
Vinewood 2561 Ln Pueblo CO
King of Kings Lutheran Church
West Street Baptist Church 1001 W. West Street
West 1001 W
West Street Bapist Church
Evangelical Lutheran in America